4 head manual filler V1.2
The sale of the 4 and 8 head hand filler will be exclusively for the Netherlands, Germany , Belgium, Luxembourg and France via Brouwland.com from 1-7-2023.
outside these countries this machine is for sale via this site, but also via Brouwland.com
New updated version for 2023
- Renewed software with the possibility of fine adjustment per head.
- USB connection on the outside for future software updates
- POWERCON connection for power supply
- The possibility to place a mobile stand under the machine. (Available soon
Our new 4 head manual filler is here!
With this machine you can fill bottles from 0,2 until 1,5L and even big 5L party kegs (with 2 heads).
Filling is automatic by just pressing a button.
The machine starts with pre-purge based on time and/or Pressure. After pre-purge filling starts and stops with an automatic sensor.
All settings are done on a 7” touchscreen interface . You can change the amount of Co2 and control the filling level based on our sensor technology.
Dimensions: W*H*D : 770*986*600 mm
Power: 110~240V
Inputs: 1,5”tri clamp for fluid , G1,4 for Co2 (adapters available)
More info will be available shortly. We are working on video Manuals, & documentation.
As an option we offer a “Fast Flush System”
With this option it is possible to open an extra valve while PRE-purging CO2.
This way flushing out O2 is faster and you get better shelf time (especially for bigger bottles and kegs)
This machine can be shipped worldwide, .
Shipping is done within 14 days
Fast Flush System
As an option we offer a “Fast Flush System”
With this option it is possible to open an extra valve while PRE-purging CO2.
This way flushing out O2 is faster and you get better shelf time (especially for bigger bottles and kegs)
Keg filling
In case you want to fill 5L party kegs with this filler we offer special designed filling heads to fit the opening of the kegs precisely.
By ordering this option you will receive 2 extra filling heads to swap the existing ones.